The Elipse
The elliptical form of this home means that it is ideal for the equatorial region where the sun passes directly overhead. The upper surface of the home is a solar collector. The structure has to be orientated in a north south direction so that the sun can shine on the collector all day.
The windows are set well back from the edge of the structure to avoid excessive solar gain. Thermal shutters are fitted as standard so that the midday sun can be kept out of the living areas.
Hot air is passed through a heat exchanger that is mounted in the roof immediately underneath the solar collector. Part of the energy that is harvested by the collector is used to heat water. The hot water is then stored in insulated tanks that are located immediately below the ground floor of the building. Additional heat stores are also buried underneath the building. Any surplus heat is used to drive a Sterling engine which is connected to an electrical generator.
Passive cooling technology is fitted as standard. Sections of the solar collector are designed to harvest coolth at night. This coolth is stored in a tank of water for use during the day.
This building has a kitchen, a large sitting room, a dining room, four bedrooms and up to four bathrooms.